Parent Participation
Parents are welcomed and encouraged to be a part of their child’s experience at Community Center Preschool. We believe that we can best meet the needs of our children by developing strong communication with our parents. Regularly scheduled parent-teacher meetings, a school newsletter, and daily information posted in the classrooms help facilitate this objective.
Volunteer Program
We encourage parent participation as a way to make the preschool experience even more meaningful for your family. Volunteering is a great way to take part in your child’s preschool world! There are many opportunities to become involved: read a story in the classroom, sign up to help at an event, or join a committee! Volunteer opportunities are sent out in our Parent Newsletter and include Yearbook, Displays, Publicity, Fundraising, Family Picnic, Hospitality, and of course our biggest event of the year…our Western Round Up carnival!
Parent Board and Committees
To make an even bigger difference, consider joining us as a Community Center Parent Board Member or Committee Chair. Our very active and supportive Parent Board organizes many special activities, parent coffee socials, holiday events, and fundraisers throughout the year. We are so grateful to those parents who are serving this year!

Community Center Preschool Parent Board 2024-25
Tricia Cordero
Vice President of Enrichment Programs
Belinda Gosbee
Vice President of Class Programs
Jackie Glendon
Sara Branscum
Sara Radabaugh
Fundraising Chair
Valerie Sayeg
Publicity Chair
Amanda Ohanian
Hospitality ChairSammi Spracher
Western Round-Up Co-Chair
Mary Klausner
Western Round-Up Co-Chair
Sofia Razze
Silent Auction Co-Chair
Nicole Pierce

Community Center Preschool Committee Positions 2024-25
Krissy King
Adopt-a-Family 1
Shannon Pondella
Adopt-a-Family 2
Amanda Brown
Yearbook Coordinator
Breanna Santillo
Display Coordinator
Laura Eckerlin
For more information on volunteering please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .